
The Journey to get arrested...

In 2012, When I was just 11. I learned my First Computer Language HTML. Everything I was learning back then was computer languages AND it was because of ONE SOLE REASON, I learn these languages and some more basic NOW, advance back then stuff, then I CAN BE A HACKER.

My jackass plan was.... I learn all these skills, hack someone's server AND get arrested AND THEN get famous AND THEN Someone will hire me for MILLIONS of DOLLARS.

Weird, I know.... But back then I was sold to that idea. That's why

I read... All 120+ books in our school Library within 1.5 years. While Kids around me used to look for another SEXY magzine skimming whole library, I was in 1 bookshelf EVERY SINGLE TIME.

After high school, My MILLION DOLLAR PLAN got screwed, When I entered college and found NO INFRASTRUCTURE and Having Just 1 Class a month. TOTALLY SCREWED!! I knew, taking 12 classes in a year won't make me even a good programmer, HACKING SEEMED TO BE A DYING DREAM.

In College, I decided to Marry a Dianasaur.

Do you know when you start learning something, You have the highest positive belief about that thing. So, I learned to live my life with Frames(A set of repeatable behaviour). And at that time, I picked my frame about Long Term Thinking. I named it "Marry Dynasaur" which means Take a decision for long term thinking and stick to it for life or worst case senerio at 10 years. In 2017, Marketing was my Dynasaur.

I was so Convinced with that idea, That I joined my First Internship @ Mehar Kala Thikana within the Week and After 3 Month I started my First Job as Email Content & Graphic Specialist in the same Govt. Affiliated Mehar Kala Thikana.

Just give me a second, I will share my Projects and Success in the Next Coming sections.